Our good friend, Tommy, once told my husband that even if I wasn't making tons of money at my shop, people sure like visiting!
True. I never opened a shop for the money. I opened it for a passion of Home and great moments! Diva Day Friday was a hit from Day One! The 'Diva Bar' always seemed the best spot to get all the latest scoop & happenings around town. (Not to mention great cocktails). Lots of laughter, for sure...a place where the chicas hang out, let their hair down just a bit, and sing all the lyrics to La Belle, Marvin Gaye, & Chaka Khan...
view out my front door @ home...
So, for now, I bid you Bon Voyage as I close my shop doors. My husband is expanding on his career which will require me to be home with our moppets.
He has been my #1 TRUE FAN & supporter. I will now become his...
This isn't the end however...but rather, a new beginning for us.
A new chapter in the life of monica's... now, with a capital 'M'.
~Monica's Nest~
Stay tuned...
It's sure to be a fun voyage!