Fresh bouquet of flowers from Mary out of Chico: $7.
Suh-weet basket of strawberries from the same booth: $3.
Lovely biscotti from the Biscotti Divas (not their real name): $2
Fresh brewed Peets coffee from home: paid for previously...
Fresh Farmers Market breakfast: Priceless.
The perfect thing for a Saturday morning after a Diva Day Friday!... Last Saturday, I treated myself to fresh flowers & produce from our local Farmers Market. Visit our Farmers Market & support local producers. It's all good!
The lovely Kalika, Kimberly Nicole, & "Tara-our Crowned Diva"!
Everyone wants to get in on the door prize...leave it to Linda to find a crown of her own. Nathaniel accompanied Designer Joe to the gig...couldn't catch Joe for a foto, tho... I really gotta learn to take better pictures! Unfortunately, I was either refilling the Sangrias or ringing someone's purchases at the cash wrap! "Bakelite Diva Patty" had a great show. Kimberly Nicole won the Bakelite Door Prize! I so wish I had taken a foto of that!!! Ugh!!!
Stay tuned for more on September's Second Saturday Art Hop and the next Diva Day Friday...